FREE HANDOUT: 4 Steps for Dealing with Challenging Behavior

Here's What You'll Learn in This 'Challenging Behavior' Handout:

  • ​Learn what to do (and what not to do) when students have big emotions​
  • ​Understand how to focus on connection over compliance
  • ​How to make struggles with challenging behavior a thing of the past

Just Tell Us Where to Send It:

"You are a teacher because you are passionate about education and children. Sometimes, however, you will have students with behaviors that challenge you. This free handout can help."

What is Inclusive Schooling?

At Inclusive Schooling, Julie and Kristie partner with school districts from across the world to deliver transformative and engaging professional development using a unique four step process, which starts with identifying a school’s inclusive education dreams!

Julie and Kristie are committed to creating learning environments where all students flourish and to reimagining educational systems, practices, and spaces. Their aim is to strengthen inclusive mindsets, heartsets, and skillsets of educators and school administrators.

​Dr. Julie Causton is a best selling author, inspiring speaker, and inclusion advocate. Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak is a highly sought-after speaker, accomplished author, and educators’ educator.